In series two of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise, under the command of Captain Christopher Pike, confronts increasingly dangerous stakes, explores uncharted territories, and encounters new life and civilisations. The crew will also embark on personal journeys that will continue to test their resolve and redefine their destinies. –YouTube
Säsong 2 av Star Trek: Strange New Worlds har premiär på SkyShowtime den 16 juni.
San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) may have suffered a little bit this year, mostly from factors way beyond its control, but at least Paramount put on a half-decent show, with a whole heap of announcements … and even a surprise showing of episode 7 of the second season of ”Strange New Worlds.” And while that might not sound like much, this was The One Everyone Was Waiting For — the much anticipated crossover with ”The Lower Decks.” […]
“A game warden and his family navigate the changing political and socio-economic climate in a small rural town in Wyoming on the verge of economic collapse. Surrounded by rich history and vast wildlife, the township hides decades of schemes and secrets that are yet to be uncovered.” –
Säsong 2 av Joe Pickett har premiär på Paramount+ den 4 juni.
Oklart i skrivande stund om serien kommer få en premiär på SkyShowtime (Sveriges version av Paramount)
No Escape follows best friends Lana (Abigail Lawrie) and Kitty (Rhianne Barreto) who have fled the UK, on the run from the law. The pair find refuge on a romantic yacht called The Blue, which is sailing through south east Asia, and excitedly throw themselves into their new life. The Blue’s crew consists of a number of enigmatic, gorgeous people who are embracing the glamorous life on board but this shiny façade belies an undercurrent of lust and greed. This leads to a death in their midst, and Lana and Kitty end up in terrible danger. A distress call is made and the police find the yacht deserted. So how did the girls’ dream life end up going so badly wrong? –YouTube
No Escape har premiär på Paramount+ den 18 maj.
Oklart i skrivande stund om/när serien kommer få premiär på SkyShowtime (Sveriges version av Paramount)
When British and Australian detectives team up to solve a murder mystery, they uncover a conspiracy with international political consequences as well as a clash of cultures. –Imdb
North Shore har premiär på Network 10 och Paramount U.K den 10 maj.
Oklart i skrivande stund om/när serien kommer få premiär på SkyShowtime (Sveriges version av Paramount)
Serien utspelar sig i USA 1954, det vill säga 4 år före filmen med samma namn, på skolan Rydell High. Den kretsar kring fyra ungdomar som bestämmer sig för att ha kul på sina egna villkor. Det utlöser en moralpanik som förändrar Rydell High för alltid –Wikipedia
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies har premiär på SkyShowtime den 7 april
John Weir is a corporate spy adept at deception and ruining lives. In his last mission, a mysterious cabal turns the table on him and gives him a taste of his own medicine by framing him for a murder, and he finds himself in a cat-and-mouse game for gaining his freedom. –Wikipedia
Rabbit Hole har premiär på SkyShowtime den 31 mars.
The Yellowjackets barely made it through summer in the woods, but now as winter begins to bite, we’ll see if hunger and desperation turn into full-on psychosis. While there may or may not be a dark and powerful force inhabiting the wilderness, their survival could depend upon what they choose to believe. Meanwhile, twenty-five years later, each survivor must ask themselves – Is the darkness coming for them, or is it coming from them? –
Säsong 2 av Yellowjackets har premiär på SkyShowtime den 25 mars.