Säsong 8 av Brooklyn Nine-Nine hade premiär på NBC den 12 augusti 2021 men får nu sin premiär på Netflix den 5 oktober.
Ni kan läsa mer i inlägget nedan. ⬇️
In the Season 2 premiere, titled “The Soul of Genghis Khan,” Danny and Lexi finish tracking down the last of Farouk’s black market antiquities and begin to make plans for their future. Said plans, alas, are quickly derailed when the Vatican is attacked by terrorists. A person from Danny’s past in turn resurfaces, leading them on a new hunt to recover one of the greatest lost treasures of Asia — the Spirit Banner of Genghis Khan. –Tvline.com
It’s unlikely the action-adventure drama will be renewed for a third season. Series star Matt Barr is set to lead the CW’s Walker: Independence, which was recently picked up to series.
Säsong 2 av Blood & Treasure har premiär på Paramount+ den 17 juli. Serien hade premiär 2019 men på grund av Covid-19 har inspelningen av den andra säsongen tagit längre tid.
En rakryggad åklagare som fått i uppdrag att inspektera en specialstyrka och dess ökände ledare hamnar mitt i ett dödligt spionkrig i en farlig stad. -Netflix
Since the film couldn’t be released in theaters due to COVID-19 pandemic, it is scheduled to be released on over-the-top streaming platform Netflix on April 8, 2022
Filmen Yaksha: Ruthless Operations (Korean: 야차; RR: Yacha) har premiär på Netflix den 8 april.
Skrev i ett tidigare inlägg att säsong 18 av NCIS kommer på Viaplay i dag, visar sig i mer dold information att även säsongerna 10-12 av spinoff-serien NCIS: Los Angeles har premiär i dag.
During the COVID-19 pandemic in Seattle, an agoraphobic tech worker discovers evidence of a violent crime while reviewing a data stream, and is met with resistance and bureaucracy when she tries reporting it to her company. To get involved, she realizes she must face her greatest fear by venturing out of her apartment and into the city streets, which are filled with protestors after the city council passes a law restricting the movements of the homeless population. –Wikipedia
Filmen Kimi har premiär på HBO Max den 10 februari.
In the upcoming third season, after the events of the second season finale, the 126 is shut down and the crew is dispersed across the city. In the multi-episode opening storyline, a massive and unexpected arctic front hits Austin with an ice storm, causing widespread chaos. Can Capt. Owen Strand and Capt. Tommy Vega not only save the city, but find a way to resurrect and reunite the former 126? –Foxrichmond.com
Säsong 3 av 9-1-1: Lone Star har premiär på FOX den 3 januari.
Säsongerna 1-2 finns att se på Disney+, oklart i skrivande stund om/när även säsong 3 kommer att visas där.
This episode takes place from March to July 2020, as the store deals with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Amy’s new job in California is forced to be postponed for the time being and she continues as store manager. After being called ”heroes”, Dina and Glenn try to get the customers’ approval of their assistance. As toilet paper and other essential products disappear from the shelves, Cheyenne and Sandra come up with a plan to hide products that they purchase later. (Säsong 6 avsnitt 1) –Wikipedia
As her last day at Cloud 9 lingers, Amy worries that Jonah wants to take their relationship to the next level with an engagement proposal after discovering a missing ring. Later on, the pair get into an argument stating they want different things, professionally and personally, and decide that Jonah is not moving. Meanwhile, with Amy leaving, Dina scrambles to find a new best friend. Also, newly reinstated store manager Glenn asks Mateo and Cheyenne to make a video collage of Amy’s time at Cloud 9.
Note: This episode was originally written as the preceding season’s finale, but aired this season because of production shutdown due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. (Säsong 6 avsnitt 2) –Wikipedia
Säsong 6 av Superstore (sändes i USA mellan oktober 2020-mars 2021), vilket även är seriens sista, har premiär på Netflix den 15 december.
Details about the final season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine have largely been kept classified so far in order to surprise fans, but both the cast and writing team have previously stated that the season will address the Black Lives Matter movement and issues of systemic inequality. Beyond that, fans can look forward to seeing Jake and Amy (Melissa Fumero) adjusting to life as new parents. This may be the last ride for the detectives of the 99th precinct, but the new teaser trailer for season 8 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine makes it all the more certain that the highly anticipated final season will live up to the hype. -Screenrant.com
Beyond those systemic issues, the new season will also need to address the reality of life during a pandemic. Talking with The Hollywood Reporter, showrunner Dan Goor, “We think there is a value to escapism, but at the same time, we don’t want to be ignorant. There is a debate about what next year will look like. I don’t think anybody wants us to, nor do we want to, have our characters toiling away in the depths of the pandemic. I don’t think that’s the direction we’ll go in. “But the question is how they have been affected by the virus and the pandemic as New York City residents and as first responders in New York City. How do we keep the show funny? How do we do that while still making them of this world and of their world? It’s challenging.
Säsong 8 av Brooklyn Nine-Nine, vilket även kommer bli seriens sista har premiär på NBC den 12 augusti. Säsong 1-7 finns att se på Netflix men är i skrivande stund inte känt om/när säsong 8 kommer bli tillgänglig på Netflix.
Stumptown hade premiär 2019 och får nu en nypremiär i Sverige på Disney+ den 11 augusti. Serien blev förnyad för en säsong 2 men var en av de första serierna att få ett omvänt beslut pga Covid-19.
In May 2020, the series was renewed for a second season.[3] In September 2020, it was announced that ABC had reversed the renewal decision and canceled the series after one season, as production delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic meant the series would not be ready until April 2021. ABC Studios is reportedly trying to sell the series to another network or streaming site.[4]