Season four is meant to be a new chapter for Dr. Goodwin and company after a turbulent year. The first episode of the new season is titled “More Joy,” as the characters attempt to figure out how to find and hold on to the joy in their lives. This includes Max embracing his long-held feelings for Dr. Helen Sharpe; Dr. Lauren Bloom’s relationship with Dr. Leyla Shinwari, who is now her resident; Dr. Iggy Frome’s new career and Dr. Floyd Reynold’s personal engagements.There is also a new presence in the hospital, Dr. Veronica Fuentes. She arrives at New Amsterdam to help turn around the overburdened and underfunded hospital. One of her first steps is to end all of the progressive programs that Max has built over the first three seasons. –Whattowatch.com
Säsong 4 av New Amsterdam har premiär på Viaplay den 22 september.