At the end of the first season of ”Ragnarok,” Magne went head-to-head with Vidar, calling down lightning in an intense effort to defeat him. Although we know Magne survived the lightning strike, the latter man’s fate was left up in the air. According to Netflix’s recent premiere date announcement, the second season is going to pick up where the first left off, which means we’ll likely find out soon enough if Vidar survived and how that will affect Magne’s family, the Jutuls, their company, and the city of Edda (and perhaps even beyond). Meanwhile, as Magne attempts to come to terms with who he is and what he’s capable of, the show will also dig into the possibility of other people having supernatural abilities or be various Norse creatures reincarnated. This includes Magne’s younger brother, Laurits. There were many hints in Season 1 that he was actually Loki, and the press release for Season 2 seems to only add more fuel to that particular fire, noting that he is ”also quite exceptional” and ”views the world very differently from Magne.” –Looper.com
Säsong 2 av Ragnarök har premiär på Netflix den 27 maj.