It’s hard to believe there’s ever been a baptism as melodramatic as the one that went down in the season finale of Daughter From Another Mother. More than a few secrets came to light at the occasion, and inevitably tore a handful of relationships apart. Ana finally confirmed her husband Juan Carlos had been cheating on her with Mariana’s mother, Teresa, and because she realized that Mariana knew, she kicked her out of the house. Now that Mariana is out on her own—after attempting to rekindle things with Pablo and stay with him, but failed, seeing that he’d moved on—the next season will likely follow wherever she went, and how she’s attempting to salvage her relationship not only with Ana but Valentina, who she had to leave behind. In terms of Ana, of course she’ll have to deal with either mending her marriage or, more likely, adjusting to being a single mother, as well as maybe letting Mariana back into her life. Season 2 seems as though it’ll also explore whatever the results of her biopsy were—that’s definitely one cliffhanger fans can’t get over. The series could take an even sadder turn, or perhaps it’ll make her want to focus on the present and the people in her life even more so. Whatever happens, there’s more to explore in terms of sexuality on the show, now that Mariana is more accepting of her identity, and motherhood, obviously. –Thrillist.com
Säsong 2 av Dotter från en annan mamma har premiär på Netflix den 24 december.