Har du inte sett säsong 4 part 1 borde du hoppa över hela detta inlägg!!! (säsong 4 part 2 har premiär på Netflix den 29 april)

As showrunner Chris Mundy recently revealed to TVLine, Season 4, Part 2 will pick up where the finale of Part 1 left off in January — with Julia Garner’s antiheroine on the warpath following the brutal murder of her cousin Wyatt. “We pick up right away,” the EP shared. “We would be cheating everybody if we jumped past the emotional place we were in [at the end of Episode 7]. The final episodes will also bring resolution to the flash-forward car wreck involving the Byrde family that was teased in the Season 4 premiere (and that is featured in the trailer above). As Mundy explained back in January, the ambiguity surrounding the exact timing of the accident was intentional. […] –Tvline.com
Säsong 4 part 2 och de sju sista avsnitten av serien Ozark har premiär på Netflix den 29 april.