In the five episodes available for press, we get a fascinating new adaptation of the iconic Under the Red Hood story arc, distinguishing itself from other adaptations by focusing on the brotherly relationship between the two Robins, even if it does come at the expense of the rest of the Titans. After a death in the family, Batman disappears, leaving Nightwing and the Titans to take care of Gotham by themselves. At this point, however, the Titans are no longer just a mismatched group of broken people with abilities, but a fully formed superhero team. When they bust a bioweapon operation, the cops thank them, while news crews follow their latest exploits. Behind the superheroes, however, things are less than ideal inside Titans Tower. With Rachel/Raven gone to Themyscira to try and revive Donna Troy, and Hawk (Alan Ritchson) and Dove (Minka Kelly) keeping out of the hero business, we are left with Gar/Beast Boy (Ryan Potter) feeling like the most powerless member of the team, especially next to his new comic relief pal, Conner/Superboy (Joshua Orpin), who is struggling with the fact that he is a clone of the Man of Steel and also Lex Luthor. Meanwhile, Starfire (Anna Diop) is having strange blackouts and visions. –Collider.com
Säsong 3 av Titans hade premiär i augusti på HBO Max (i USA) men kommer nu till Sverige och Netflix med en premiär den 8 december.
Serien är baserad på Teen Titans av Bob Haney och har även blivit förnyad för en säsong 4!