Donna and Harvey spend their first night together as a couple (second overall), but decide on holding off on telling their colleagues until the fall-out of Robert’s disbarment has been settled. Harvey and Samantha fight to keep Robert’s clients from leaving while they are actively being pursued by Eric Kaldor, who offers to stop in exchange for ten of Harvey’s clients. Alex is approached by a representative of the New York bar association who hints that they have the power to replace Louis by Alex if they continue to refuse to remove Zane’s name. After using that information to convince Louis, Alex attempts to organize a vote between the four remaining name partners and Donna, but Samantha threatens to reveal to the Bar what really happened if they remove Robert’s name. Backed into a corner with no way to convince the clients not to jump ship, Harvey assigns his clients to Kaldor. However, the damage control comes too late as Louis is forced to agree to direct supervision by the Bar Association. (Suits säsong 9 avsnitt 1) –Wikipedia
Den avslutande säsongen av Suits har premiär på Netflix den 17 juli.