Hanna, Ny säsong!

Hanna (Esmé Creed-Miles) finds herself and her fellow assassins being briefed on their upcoming release into the world by Dermot Mulroney’s Utrax agent John Carmichael. “Okay folks, I wanna talk to you today about what’ll happen in a few weeks’ time. You’re going out into the wide world and you won’t be coming back,” he tells the group. “You’re ready, but I want to say this… your target will be ready too. They won’t hesitate to kill you given the chance. So you have to surprise them and you have to be ruthless. ”As if his point hasn’t been made clear enough, John adds, “You’re soldiers. But, unlike real soldiers, you don’t have to fight by the rules. In this war, anything goes.” Is Hanna ready to make these crucial decisions? Season 3 will follow her journey to take down the sinister organization Utrax by destroying it from the inside. With help from her previous nemesis and former-CIA agent Marissa Wiegler (Mireille Enos) as well as agent John Carmichael, Hanna hopes to succeed with her plans. –Tvinsider.com

Säsong 3 av Hanna, vilket även kommer bli seriens sista, har premiär på Amazon Prime Video den 24 november.

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