Bosch kommer tillbaka för en säsong 6, inget exakt datum har än blivit satt men den nya säsongen kommer mest troligt under april månad.
I mitten på februari meddelade Michael Connelly att Amazon Studios har gett tummen upp för en säsong 7 , vilket också kommer bli seriens sista.
“I’m proud of what we have accomplished with Bosch and look forward to completing the story in Season 7. It’s bittersweet, but all good things come to an end and I am happy that we will be able to go out the way we want to”. He added, “This started seven years ago with showrunner Eric Overmyer and me writing the piot. We plan to write the last episode together as well. We’ll leave behind the longest-running show so far on Amazon and it will be there to be discovered by new viewers for as long as people are streaming.”
– Michael Connelly
Artikel från nextalerts.com
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